Fred is scanning his network to ensure it is as secure as possible. Fred sends a TCP probe packet to a host with a FIN flag and he receives a RST/ACK response. What does this mean?
E-mail tracking is a method to monitor and spy the delivered e-mails to the intended recipient.
Select a feature, which you will NOT be able to accomplish with this probe?
Blane is a network security analyst for his company. From an outside IP, Blane performs an XMAS scan using Nmap. Almost every port scanned does not illicit a response. What can he infer from this kind of response?
You have chosen a 22 character word from the dictionary as your password. How long will it take to crack the password by an attacker?
Frederickson Security Consultants is currently conducting a security audit on the networks of Hawthorn Enterprises, a contractor for the Department of Defense. Since Hawthorn Enterprises conducts business daily with the federal government, they must abide by very stringent security policies. Frederickson is testing all of Hawthorn's physical and logical security measures including biometrics, passwords, and permissions. The federal government requires that all users must utilize random, non-dictionary passwords that must take at least 30 days to crack. Frederickson has confirmed that all Hawthorn employees use a random password generator for their network passwords. The Frederickson consultants have saved off numerous SAM files from Hawthorn's servers using Pwdump6 and are going to try and crack the network passwords. What method of attack is best suited to crack these passwords in the shortest amount of time?
In which step Steganography fits in CEH System Hacking Cycle (SHC)
Lee is using Wireshark to log traffic on his network. He notices a number of packets being directed to an internal IP from an outside IP where the packets are ICMP and their size is around 65, 536 bytes. What is Lee seeing here?
Gerald, the Systems Administrator for Hyped Enterprises, has just discovered that his network has been breached by an outside attacker. After performing routine maintenance on his servers, he discovers numerous remote tools were installed that no one claims to have knowledge of in his department. Gerald logs onto the management console for his IDS and discovers an unknown IP address that scanned his network constantly for a week and was able to access his network through a high-level port that was not closed. Gerald traces the IP address he found in the IDS log to a proxy server in Brazil. Gerald calls the company that owns the proxy server and after searching through their logs, they trace the source to another proxy server in Switzerland. Gerald calls the company in Switzerland that owns the proxy server and after scanning through the logs again, they trace the source back to a proxy server in China. What proxy tool has Gerald's attacker used to cover their tracks?
Finding tools to run dictionary and brute forcing attacks against FTP and Web servers is an easy task for hackers. They use tools such as arhontus or brutus to break into remote servers.
A command such as this, will attack a given FTP and Telnet servers simultaneously with a list of passwords and a single login namE. linksys. Many FTP-specific password-guessing tools are also available from major security sites.
What defensive measures will you take to protect your network from these attacks?
Within the context of Computer Security, which of the following statements describes Social Engineering best?
In this type of Man-in-the-Middle attack, packets and authentication tokens are captured using a sniffer. Once the relevant information is extracted, the tokens are placed back on the network to gain access.
How do you defend against MAC attacks on a switch?
What is the command used to create a binary log file using tcpdump?
Harold works for Jacobson Unlimited in the IT department as the security manager. Harold has created a security policy requiring all employees to use complex 14 character passwords. Unfortunately, the members of management do not want to have to use such long complicated passwords so they tell Harold's boss this new password policy should not apply to them. To comply with the management's wishes, the IT department creates another Windows domain and moves all the management users to that domain. This new domain has a password policy only requiring 8 characters.
Harold is concerned about having to accommodate the managers, but cannot do anything about it. Harold is also concerned about using LanManager security on his network instead of NTLM or NTLMv2, but the many legacy applications on the network prevent using the more secure NTLM and NTLMv2. Harold pulls the SAM files from the DC's on the original domain and the new domain using Pwdump6.
Harold uses the password cracking software John the Ripper to crack users' passwords to make sure they are strong enough. Harold expects that the users' passwords in the original domain will take much longer to crack than the management's passwords in the new domain. After running the software, Harold discovers that the 14 character passwords only took a short time longer to crack than the 8 character passwords.
Why did the 14 character passwords not take much longer to crack than the 8 character passwords?
On a backdoored Linux box there is a possibility that legitimate programs are modified or trojaned. How is it possible to list processes and uids associated with them in a more reliable manner?
What is Hunt used for?
What is the tool Firewalk used for?
Several of your co-workers are having a discussion over the etc/passwd file. They are at odds over what types of encryption are used to secure Linux passwords.(Choose all that apply.
What do you conclude from the nmap results below?
Staring nmap V. 3.10ALPHA0 (
(The 1592 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
Remote operating system guess: Too many signatures match the reliability guess the OS. Nmap run completed – 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 91.66 seconds
What is the expected result of the following exploit?
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