As a securing consultant, what are some of the things you would recommend to a company to ensure DNS security? Select the best answers.
You have the SOA presented below in your Zone. Your secondary servers have not been able to contact your primary server to synchronize information. How long will the secondary servers attempt to contact the primary server before it considers that zone is dead and stops responding to queries?, (200302028 3600 3600 604800 3600)
In the context of password security, a simple dictionary attack involves loading a dictionary file (a text file full of dictionary words) into a cracking application such as L0phtCrack or John the Ripper, and running it against user accounts located by the application. The larger the word and word fragment selection, the more effective the dictionary attack is. The brute force method is the most inclusive, although slow. It usually tries every possible letter and number combination in its automated exploration.
If you would use both brute force and dictionary methods combined together to have variation of words, what would you call such an attack?
Susan has attached to her company’s network. She has managed to synchronize her boss’s sessions with that of the file server. She then intercepted his traffic destined for the server, changed it the way she wanted to and then placed it on the server in his home directory. What kind of attack is Susan carrying on?
Erik notices a big increase in UDP packets sent to port 1026 and 1027 occasionally. He enters the following at the command prompt.
$ nc -l -p 1026 -u -v
In response, he sees the following message.
Windows has found 47 Critical Errors.
To fix the errors please do the following:
1. Download Registry Repair from:
2. Install Registry Repair
3. Run Registry Repair
4. Reboot your computer
What would you infer from this alert?
When discussing passwords, what is considered a brute force attack?
You are a Administrator of Windows server. You want to find the port number for POP3. What file would you find the information in and where?
Select the best answer.
Which DNS resource record can indicate how long any "DNS poisoning" could last?
You have hidden a Trojan file virus.exe inside another file readme.txt using NTFS streaming.
Which command would you execute to extract the Trojan to a standalone file?
Which one of the following instigates a SYN flood attack?
What is the goal of a Denial of Service Attack?
Bob is doing a password assessment for one of his clients. Bob suspects that security policies are not in place. He also suspects that weak passwords are probably the norm throughout the company he is evaluating. Bob is familiar with password weaknesses and key loggers.
Which of the following options best represents the means that Bob can adopt to retrieve passwords from his clients hosts and servers?
Tess King is using the nslookup command to craft queries to list all DNS information (such as Name Servers, host names, MX records, CNAME records, glue records (delegation for child Domains), zone serial number, TimeToLive (TTL) records, etc) for a Domain. What do you think Tess King is trying to accomplish? Select the best answer.
Windows LAN Manager (LM) hashes are known to be weak. Which of the following are known weaknesses of LM? (Choose three)
A user on your Windows 2000 network has discovered that he can use L0phtcrack to sniff the SMB exchanges which carry user logons. The user is plugged into a hub with 23 other systems. However, he is unable to capture any logons though he knows that other users are logging in.
What do you think is the most likely reason behind this?
Study the following log extract and identify the attack.
John wishes to install a new application onto his Windows 2000 server.
He wants to ensure that any application he uses has not been Trojaned.
What can he do to help ensure this?
In the following example, which of these is the "exploit"?
Today, Microsoft Corporation released a security notice. It detailed how a person could bring down the Windows 2003 Server operating system, by sending malformed packets to it. They detailed how this malicious process had been automated using basic scripting. Even worse, the new automated method for bringing down the server has already been used to perform denial of service attacks on many large commercial websites.
Select the best answer.
A remote user tries to login to a secure network using Telnet, but accidently types in an invalid user name or password. Which responses would NOT be preferred by an experienced Security Manager? (multiple answer)
Eve is spending her day scanning the library computers. She notices that Alice is using a computer whose port 445 is active and listening. Eve uses the ENUM tool to enumerate Alice machine. From the command prompt, she types the following command.
For /f "tokens=1 %%a in (hackfile.txt) do net use * \\\c$ /user:"Administrator" %%a
What is Eve trying to do?
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