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Free IQN QIA Practice Exam with Questions & Answers | Set: 2

Questions 11

The purchasing manager of a manufacturing company was concerned with the rising prices of some direct materials provided by a supplier. The purchasing manager told the supplier to either maintain the current prices or withdraw as a supplier for the company's direct materials. The supplier devised a plan to circumvent the purchasing manager's intent without actually violating the purchasing manager's mandate.

Which one of the following is the probable action taken by the supplier?


The supplier maintained prices in the short run but later returned to a pattern of increasing prices.


The supplier decided to stop providing the direct materials to the manufacturing company, since holding the line on prices would have a negative impact.


The supplier maintained prices but substituted a lower grade of direct materials.


The supplier worked through the president of the manufacturing company to force the purchasing manager to cancel the mandate.

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Questions 12

Data gathered in support of an audit conclusion can be rated on a continuum of reliability.

The most reliable form of evidence would be an


Internal document obtained from the auditee.


External document obtained directly from an outside source.


Internal document subject to rigorous internal review procedures.


Internal document that has been circulated through an outside party.

Questions 13

An internal auditor plans to use an analytical review to verify the correctness of various operating expenses in a division.

The use of an analytical review as a verification technique would not be a preferred approach if


The auditor notes strong indicators of a specific fraud involving this account.


The company has relatively stable operations that have not changed much over the past year.


The auditor would like to identify large, unusual, or nonrecurring transactions during the year.


The operating expenses vary in relation to other operating expenses, but not in relation to revenue.

Questions 14

An organization uses a service bureau to process its hourly payroll transactions. The internal auditor is concerned that the hourly payroll for the year has been processed correctly and, in particular, the computation of employee withholding for pension contributions is in accordance with the union contract, which specifies charges each quarter.

Which of the following audit procedures would best accomplish the audit objective?


Select a random sample of all hourly payroll transactions for the reporting period, re-compute pay and withholding items, and compare the result with that obtained from the service bureau.


Select a stratified sample of all hourly and salaried payroll transactions for an entire reporting period, perform the necessary activities, and then compare the result with that obtained from the service bureau.


Select a discovery sampling of all payroll transactions for an entire reporting period and then follow up on any findings.


Submit a set of test data to the service bureau during an annual audit and compare the service bureau's processing with the auditor's predetermined computations on the same test data.

Questions 15

Purchases from two new vendors increased dramatically after a new buyer was hired. The buyer was obtaining kickbacks from the two vendors based on sales volume.

A possible means of detection is


Periodic vendor surveys regarding potential buyer conflict of interest or ethics violations.


The receipt of an invoice to put new vendors on the master file.


The use of purchase orders for all purchases.


The use of change analysis and trend analysis of buyer or vendor activity.

Questions 16

Which of the following statements conveys negative information in such a way that a favorable response from the auditee may still be achieved?


Your bookkeeper has failed to reconcile the bank statement each month.


The bank statements have not been reconciled each month.


Unfortunately, your bookkeeper has not taken the time to reconcile the bank statement each month.


You have apparently failed to inform your book keeper that the bank statements should be reconciled on a timely basis.

Questions 17

An audit team has been assigned to review ‘the customer satisfaction measurement system’ that the industrial products division implemented two years ago. This system consists of the division's customer service office conducting an annual mail survey. A survey is sent to 100 purchasing departments randomly selected from all customers who made purchases in the prior 12 months. The survey is three pages long and its 30 questions use a mixture of response modes (e.g., some questions are open-ended, some multiple choice, and others use a response scale). The customer service office mails the survey in September and tabulates the results for questionnaires returned by October 15. Only one mail is sent. If the customer does not return the questionnaire, no follow-up is conducted. When the survey was last conducted, 45 of the questionnaires were not returned.

Which of the following is not an advantage of face-to-face interviews over mail surveys?


The response rate is typically higher.


Interviewers can increase a respondent's comprehension of questions.


Survey designers can use a wider variety of types of questions.


They are less expensive since mailing costs are avoided.

Questions 18

An auditor selected a random sample of 100 items from a population of 2,000 items. The total dollars in the sample were $10,000, and the standard deviation was $10. If the achieved precision based on this sample was plus or minus $4,000, the minimum acceptable value of the population would be









Questions 19

The internal auditors of a financial institution are auditing the institution's investing and lending activities. During the last year, the institution has adopted new policies and procedures for monitoring investments and the loan portfolio. The auditors know that the organisation has invested in new types of financial instruments during the year and is heavily involved in the use of financial derivatives to appropriately hedge risks

The audit committee has expressed concern that the financial institution has been taking on higher-risk loans in pursuit of short term profit goals.

Which of the following audit procedures would provide the least amount of information to address this audit concern?


Perform an analytical review of interest income as a percentage of the investment portfolio in comparison with a group of peer financial institutions.


Take a random sample of loans made during the period and compare the riskiness of the loans with that of a random sample of loans made two years ago.


Perform an analytical review that involves developing a chart to compare interest income plotted over the past ten years.


Develop a multiple regression time series analysis of income over the past five years, including such factors as interest rate in the economy, size of loan portfolio, and dollar amount of new loans each year.

Questions 20

Which of the following audit committee activities would be of the greatest benefit to the internal auditing department?


Review and approval of auditprograms.


Assurance that the external auditor will rely on the work of the internal auditing department whenever possible.


Review and endorsement of all internal audit reports prior to their release.


Support for appropriate follow-up of recommendations made by the internal auditing department.

Exam Code: QIA
Certification Provider: IQN
Exam Name: Qualified Internal Auditor
Last Update: Feb 17, 2025
Questions: 80
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