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Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer Dumps Questions Answers

Exam Code: ACA-Developer
Exam Name: ACA Developer Certification
Last Update: May 20, 2024
95 Questions
Testing Engine (only)
Format: Testing Engine
PDF + Testing Engine
Format: PDF + Testing Engine
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Format: PDF

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Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer Exam Dumps FAQs

ACA Developer Certification Exam Domains

Main Domains of the ACA Developer Certification Exam:

  1. ECS & Network Basics: Covers foundational knowledge of Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and networking concepts, including instance types, image selection, and VPC configurations.
  2. Alibaba Cloud Security Services: Focuses on understanding Alibaba Cloud's security solutions like Server Guard and Anti-DDoS to ensure applications are secure.
  3. Database Services: Assesses the ability to use Alibaba Cloud database services such as RDS and OSS for data storage and management.
  4. Cloud-Native Application Development: Evaluates skills in developing applications using Alibaba Cloud services like Container Service, Kubernetes, and microservices architecture.
  5. Alibaba Cloud Big Data & AI Services: Tests knowledge of big data products like MaxCompute and AI services that enable machine learning and data analysis capabilities.

The domains covered by the ACA Developer exam are critical for validating a developer's expertise in utilizing Alibaba Cloud's ecosystem effectively for building scalable, secure, and robust applications. Each domain represents an essential aspect of cloud development that is necessary for today's cloud-centric technology landscape.

ACA-Developer Certification Target Audience

Who Should Consider the ACA-Developer Certification?

  • Aspiring Cloud Developers: Individuals aiming to build a career in cloud computing, particularly with Alibaba Cloud services.
  • Experienced Developers: Seasoned professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in Alibaba Cloud development tools and best practices.
  • Career Advancement: Those looking to enhance their resume and job prospects within the tech industry, especially in roles that require cloud expertise.
  • Tech Industry Roles: Ideal for software engineers, IT project managers, system architects, and DevOps engineers working with or intending to work with Alibaba Cloud solutions.
  • Skill Validation: The exam serves as a benchmark for employers to assess candidates' proficiency in Alibaba Cloud environments, ensuring readiness for industry challenges.

The certification is particularly beneficial for professionals who have hands-on experience with cloud architecture, services management, and application development on Alibaba Cloud platforms. It's an excellent way to demonstrate commitment to the field and stand out in a competitive job market.

  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice and multiple-response questions
  • Number of Questions: 60 questions
  • Duration: 90 minutes

ACA-Developer Exam Prerequisites

Prerequisites for ACA-Developer Certification Exam:

  • Understanding of Alibaba Cloud's core products and services.
  • Basic knowledge of cloud computing concepts and technologies.
  • Familiarity with application development, including coding and deployment.
  • No prior certifications are strictly required.
  • Some hands-on experience with Alibaba Cloud services is recommended.

If you do not pass the Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer exam on your first attempt, you can retake it following these guidelines:

  1. Wait at least 14 days before attempting the exam again.
  2. There is no limit to the number of retakes, but each attempt requires a new registration and payment of associated fees.

Note that each exam retake incurs the same cost as the initial examination. Be sure to prepare thoroughly before scheduling a retake to avoid additional expenses.

The ACA-Developer Alibaba Developer certification is valid for three years from the date of successful completion. To maintain the certification, you must:

  1. Pass any updated version of the ACA exam before your current certification expires.
  2. Alternatively, upgrade to a higher-level certification within Alibaba Cloud Certification hierarchy.

It's important to keep track of the expiration date and fulfill these requirements timely to ensure continuous certification validity.

For those preparing for the ACA Developer Certification, offers comprehensive study materials tailored to ensure success in the exam:

  1. Examstrack Study Guides: These guides provide a dependable and thorough understanding of all the necessary topics. They are designed to simplify complex concepts, making them easier to grasp.
  2. Examstrack ACA-Developer Practice Question Banks: With a wide range of questions mirroring the actual exam format, these practice banks are an invaluable tool for self-assessment and reinforcement of learning.

The resources available at also include:

  • PDF Resources: Portable and accessible, these PDFs allow you to study on-the-go and are perfect for quick revisions.
  • Testing Engine: This interactive software simulates the real exam environment, helping candidates become accustomed to the exam pressure and timing constraints.

The combination of these study materials from can significantly boost your preparation efforts for the ACA Developer Certification exam.

ACA Developer Certification Study Time

The amount of study time for the ACA-Developer exam varies per individual. Consider these factors:

  1. Prior Knowledge: If you have experience with cloud computing and Alibaba Cloud services, you may require less study time.
  2. Study Pace: Determine whether you prefer a more intensive short-term schedule or a relaxed long-term approach.
  3. Level of Preparedness: Aim for a thorough understanding to feel confident on exam day, which might mean additional hours for some.

A general estimate is between 40 to 60 hours of study. However, adjust this range based on your background in the subject matter and your learning speed. The key is to create a personalized study plan that suits your specific needs and ensures comprehensive preparation.

  • Structured Learning: ExamTrack offers well-organized study materials that present clear learning objectives, enabling candidates to focus on key concepts and skills required for the ACA Developer Certification exam.
  • Quality Content: The multiple-choice questions and answers provided are curated to reflect the actual exam pattern, ensuring an efficient review process.
  • Time Management: With organized content, candidates can better manage their study time, focusing on areas where they need improvement and reinforcing their knowledge where they are already strong.
  • Free Demos: Access to free demos allows candidates to try before they buy, ensuring the material meets their preparation needs for the ACA-Developer exam.
  • Promised Success: ExamTrack's confidence in their materials is backed by a promise of success, reassuring candidates of the quality and effectiveness of the study aids provided for passing the certification exams.

Enroll in Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer Course

Steps to Enroll in Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer Exam Course:

  1. Navigate to the website.
  2. Search for the "Alibaba Cloud ACA-Developer ACA Developer Certification" exam course.
  3. Once you find the course, review the available materials such as Dumps Questions Answers, PDF, and Testing Engine.
  4. Select your desired package by clicking on "Add to cart" for either Testing Engine (only), PDF (only), or PDF + Testing Engine.
  5. Proceed by choosing your preferred payment method.
  6. Complete the checkout process to finalize your enrollment.

Contacting Support

How to Contact for Support

If you have any questions or encounter issues while using our services, we are here to help. Follow these steps to reach out to us for assistance:

We strive to provide timely and effective support. Whether you choose email or live chat, rest assured that we are committed to assisting you as quickly as possible.

  1. Email Support: You can send us an email at Our support team is available to address your concerns and provide solutions. Please include a detailed description of your issue or question, along with any relevant information that could help us understand and resolve it more efficiently.
  2. Live Chat: For immediate assistance, use our live chat feature available on our website. To start a live chat session:
    1. Navigate to the bottom right corner of our website.
    2. Click on the chat icon to open the chat window.
    3. Type your message and press enter to initiate the conversation with one of our support representatives.

ACA-Developer Ratings & Reviews

204 Ratings

Bundle Package

Advantage: All 17 Alibaba Cloud Exams, One Package

ACA-Developer Overview

Alibaba Cloud ACA Developer Certification Exam Overview
Aspect Description
Certification Name ACA Developer
Target Audience Developers using Alibaba Cloud products to manage and maintain cloud-based applications
Level Associate
Prerequisites Basic understanding of cloud development concepts and experience with development tools
Exam Format Computer-based, multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
Number of Questions 60
Time Limit 90 minutes
Cost USD $120 (global)
Renewal Every 3 years

Process to get ACA-Developer exam



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