Metasploit framework in an open source platform for vulnerability research, development, and penetration testing. Which one of the following metasploit options is used to exploit multiple systems at once?
You are trying to locate Microsoft Outlook Web Access Default Portal using Google search on the Internet. What search string will you use to locate them?
Which one of the following Snort logger mode commands is associated to run a binary log file through Snort in sniffer mode to dump the packets to the screen?
A firewall’s decision to forward or reject traffic in network filtering is dependent upon which of the following?
The objective of this act was to protect consumers personal financial information held by financial institutions and their service providers.
To locate the firewall, SYN packet is crafted using Hping or any other packet crafter and sent to the firewall. If ICMP unreachable type 13 message (which is an admin prohibited packet) with a source IP address of the access control device is received, then it means which of the following type of firewall is in place?
Which of the following acts is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle cardholder information for the major debit, credit, prepaid, e-purse, ATM, and POS cards and applies to all entities involved in payment card processing?
Which of the following attributes has a LM and NTLMv1 value as 64bit + 64bit + 64bit and NTLMv2 value as 128 bits?
A pen tester has extracted a database name by using a blind SQL injection. Now he begins to test the table inside the database using the below query and finds the table:; IF (LEN(SELECT TOP 1 NAME from sysobjects where xtype='U')=3) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((SELECT TOP 1 NAME from sysobjects where xtype=char(85)),1,1)))=101) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((SELECT TOP 1 NAME from sysobjects where xtype=char(85)),2,1)))=109) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'--; IF (ASCII(lower(substring((SELECT TOP 1 NAME from sysobjects where xtype=char(85)),3,1)))=112) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'—
What is the table name?
Rule of Engagement (ROE) is the formal permission to conduct a pen-test. It provides top-level guidance for conducting the penetration testing. Various factors are considered while preparing the scope of ROE which clearly explain the limits associated with the security test.
Which of the following factors is NOT considered while preparing the scope of the Rules of Engagment (ROE)?
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